Discipline Policy
At Miramar Ranch School we are committed to providing quality education for our students. We feel that all children have the right to attend school and feel comfortable and safe. In order to provide an atmosphere, which is conducive to the best learning situation, we have developed a plan for positive behavior. Our approach to student discipline places the greatest possible emphasis upon school choice. With this in mind, students are held strictly accountable for their behavior.
We believe that:
School-Wide Standards:
To ensure a safe, positive, rewarding education experience, we will-
Students are not allowed to bring the following items to school:
Confiscation of Student Property:
If a child brings any of the above mentioned items to school, or any other item deemed to be of value, the teacher shall confiscate the item in question and send it to the office immediately. We will log it in and put it in a safe place. The teacher will call the parents that same day and let them know about the item and that they can pick it up in the office. If there is any doubt about the value of the item, the item will be sent to the office. If a child brings a “distracter” to school (i.e., toy of little value), the child will be asked to put it in their back pack to take home.
Cell Phones, Pagers/Electronic Signaling Devices:
Students may possess and use cell phones, pagers or other electronic signaling devise on the school campus before and after school. These devices must be kept out of sight and turned off during the instructional program.
Portable CD players, electronic games, or music players are not allowed on campus. Unauthorized use of such devices disrupts the instructional program and distracts from the learning environment. Unauthorized use is grounds for confiscation by school officials or classroom teachers. Confiscated devices will be returned to the parent or guardian. Repeated offenses may lead to disciplinary action.
Reinforcing the Expected Standards:
The following guidelines assist school personnel whenever inappropriate student behavior occurs.
Teacher will activate classroom discipline plan, which will include:
General Procedure for Resolving Behavior Problems:
I. All discipline problems to be resolved need to begin with the student, parent and classroom teacher. If a student disregards the rules listed in the handbook, the following steps will be followed.
Suspendable Offenses:
A student may be suspended from school if they-
We believe that:
- All students have the responsibility to learn.
- All teachers have the responsibility to provide a positive learning environment.
- All parents have the responsibility to support the students and teaching staff.
School-Wide Standards:
To ensure a safe, positive, rewarding education experience, we will-
- Listen and follow directions the first time
- Keep hands, feet, and objects to ourselves
- Be courteous, kind, and thoughtful to all
- Respect the rights and property of others
- Use safe conduct at all times
Students are not allowed to bring the following items to school:
- Toys / Balls
- Electronic Equipment
- Skateboards
- Gum / Candy
- Trading Cards
- Videos / DVDs
- Scooters
- Soda
- CDs / Cassette Tapes
- Skates
- Top Ramen
- Sunflower Seeds
- IPOD/MP3 players
Confiscation of Student Property:
If a child brings any of the above mentioned items to school, or any other item deemed to be of value, the teacher shall confiscate the item in question and send it to the office immediately. We will log it in and put it in a safe place. The teacher will call the parents that same day and let them know about the item and that they can pick it up in the office. If there is any doubt about the value of the item, the item will be sent to the office. If a child brings a “distracter” to school (i.e., toy of little value), the child will be asked to put it in their back pack to take home.
Cell Phones, Pagers/Electronic Signaling Devices:
Students may possess and use cell phones, pagers or other electronic signaling devise on the school campus before and after school. These devices must be kept out of sight and turned off during the instructional program.
Portable CD players, electronic games, or music players are not allowed on campus. Unauthorized use of such devices disrupts the instructional program and distracts from the learning environment. Unauthorized use is grounds for confiscation by school officials or classroom teachers. Confiscated devices will be returned to the parent or guardian. Repeated offenses may lead to disciplinary action.
Reinforcing the Expected Standards:
The following guidelines assist school personnel whenever inappropriate student behavior occurs.
Teacher will activate classroom discipline plan, which will include:
- Establishment and enforcement of classroom rules
- counseling the child
- communicating with parents to inform and seek support
- providing appropriate consequences
General Procedure for Resolving Behavior Problems:
I. All discipline problems to be resolved need to begin with the student, parent and classroom teacher. If a student disregards the rules listed in the handbook, the following steps will be followed.
- Teachers apply their discipline policies and contact parents.
- Services of the counseling staff will be utilized to assist the student.
- A conference with the principal / vice principal and student will be held. Consequences depend on the severity and recurrence of the problem. Examples of possible consequences: school service and in-school suspension. Principal / vice principal will contact parents by phone at work or home.
- An in-school suspension (1-2 days) will occur if problem continues. The student will complete a work packet and/or perform school service. Parents will be notified that the next step is a formal suspension. Any misbehavior during in-school suspension will result in a formal suspension.
- Formal suspension (1-5 days) will be imposed. It becomes a part of the student’s permanent record and requires a parent conference with the principal / vice principal before the student is allowed to return to class. There are certain offenses that we are required to report to School Police.
Suspendable Offenses:
A student may be suspended from school if they-
- Cause, attempt to cause, or threaten to cause physical injury to another person.
- Disrupt school activities or otherwise willfully defy the valid authority of the staff.
- Unlawfully sell, deal, or otherwise furnish any substance purported to be a controlled substance.
- Steal, or attempt to steal, school or private property.
- Commit an obscene act or engage in habitual profanity or vulgarity.
- Possess, sell, or otherwise furnish, any firearm, knife, explosive, or other dangerous object.
- Possesses or uses tobacco on school premises.
- Cause, or attempt to cause, damage to school or private property.
- Knowingly receive stolen school or private property.
- It is important for the parent to contact the classroom teacher first when problems or questions arise. Communication between the teacher, parent, and the student is essential for reaching a successful solution.
- At specific times, it is necessary to refer specific problems to other personnel such as the nurse, counselor or administrator for additional information that might be related to the cause of the behavioral problems. It may also be necessary to have the student join with the parent, teacher, administrator and auxiliary personnel for individualized counseling and/or home / school contract.
- If all efforts fail and the discipline problems continue to exist, parents will be asked to shadow their child in the child’s classroom during the school day.