FFA Board Members
President - Tracy Jewell
The FFA President coordinates the work of officers and committees of the FFA to promote the mission of the FFA. Duties of the President include: presiding at all meetings of the FFA and the Executive Board, having all contracts and/or legally binding documents approved by the FFA prior to signing, pre–approving with the MRE Principal all informational notices, flyers and documents sent home to parents by the FFA
Vice President - Robert Hasson
The FFA Vice President acts as an assistant to the President by, in part, supervising preparations for FFA meetings, acting as Parliamentarian at FFA meetings, and performing the duties of the President in the President's absence.
Secretary - Brigid Brown
The main duties of the FFA Secretary include keeping an accurate record of the proceedings of all meetings of the FFA and the Executive Board as the legal record of the FFA, taking attendance at every FFA meeting, referring to the minutes of previous meetings when called to, and recording all expenditures in the minutes.
Treasurer - Linda Hoover
The FFA Treasurer keeps permanent books of account and records items of gross income, receipts, disbursements, funds received and deposited and outstanding financial liabilities of the FFA and is responsible for the proper accounting, handling and control of cash or other negotiable funds received by the FFA pending their deposit in the name of the FFA in the FFA's bank account.
Assistant Treasurer - Carolyn Coglianese
The FFA Assistant Treasurer is responsible for the proper handling and control of cash and other negotiable funds received by the FFA pending their deposit in the name of the FFA in the FFA's bank account.
Volunteer Coordinator - Jessica Troendle
The FFA Volunteer Coordinator acts as a liaison between the school and the FFA volunteers in order to ensure that all volunteers are properly cleared to be on campus.
Fundraising Coordinator - Gerry McClean
The FFA Fundraising Coordinator works with the FFA Executive Board to plan, coordinate and implement strategies to develop campaigns and contributions to support the FFA and works directly with fundraising committee chairpersons to maintain accountability and compliance standards for FFA events.
Fundraising Assistant - Angela Franz
The FFA Fundraising Assistant works directly with the Fundraising Coordinator to identify new fundraising opportunities and attends fundraisers as needed to assist/oversee events.
Parent Liaison - JoAnne Bernabe
The FFA Parent Liaison coordinates and communicates with the Room Parents, provides the Room Parents with the Room Parent Handbook and other resources, and helps to recruit volunteers when needed for school events.
Communications Officer - Mary Corbett
The FFA Communications Officer maintains the Miramar Ranch website and sends out a weekly eNewsletter to the school.
Auditor - Michelle Messmer
The FFA Auditor audits each FFA fundraising activity to verify that all income and expenditures are allocated to the correct categories and are within the approved budget.
Faculty Representative - Suzanne Smith
The FFA Faculty Representative acts a liaison between the Certified Staff and the FFA.
The FFA President coordinates the work of officers and committees of the FFA to promote the mission of the FFA. Duties of the President include: presiding at all meetings of the FFA and the Executive Board, having all contracts and/or legally binding documents approved by the FFA prior to signing, pre–approving with the MRE Principal all informational notices, flyers and documents sent home to parents by the FFA
Vice President - Robert Hasson
The FFA Vice President acts as an assistant to the President by, in part, supervising preparations for FFA meetings, acting as Parliamentarian at FFA meetings, and performing the duties of the President in the President's absence.
Secretary - Brigid Brown
The main duties of the FFA Secretary include keeping an accurate record of the proceedings of all meetings of the FFA and the Executive Board as the legal record of the FFA, taking attendance at every FFA meeting, referring to the minutes of previous meetings when called to, and recording all expenditures in the minutes.
Treasurer - Linda Hoover
The FFA Treasurer keeps permanent books of account and records items of gross income, receipts, disbursements, funds received and deposited and outstanding financial liabilities of the FFA and is responsible for the proper accounting, handling and control of cash or other negotiable funds received by the FFA pending their deposit in the name of the FFA in the FFA's bank account.
Assistant Treasurer - Carolyn Coglianese
The FFA Assistant Treasurer is responsible for the proper handling and control of cash and other negotiable funds received by the FFA pending their deposit in the name of the FFA in the FFA's bank account.
Volunteer Coordinator - Jessica Troendle
The FFA Volunteer Coordinator acts as a liaison between the school and the FFA volunteers in order to ensure that all volunteers are properly cleared to be on campus.
Fundraising Coordinator - Gerry McClean
The FFA Fundraising Coordinator works with the FFA Executive Board to plan, coordinate and implement strategies to develop campaigns and contributions to support the FFA and works directly with fundraising committee chairpersons to maintain accountability and compliance standards for FFA events.
Fundraising Assistant - Angela Franz
The FFA Fundraising Assistant works directly with the Fundraising Coordinator to identify new fundraising opportunities and attends fundraisers as needed to assist/oversee events.
Parent Liaison - JoAnne Bernabe
The FFA Parent Liaison coordinates and communicates with the Room Parents, provides the Room Parents with the Room Parent Handbook and other resources, and helps to recruit volunteers when needed for school events.
Communications Officer - Mary Corbett
The FFA Communications Officer maintains the Miramar Ranch website and sends out a weekly eNewsletter to the school.
Auditor - Michelle Messmer
The FFA Auditor audits each FFA fundraising activity to verify that all income and expenditures are allocated to the correct categories and are within the approved budget.
Faculty Representative - Suzanne Smith
The FFA Faculty Representative acts a liaison between the Certified Staff and the FFA.